Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I really hate watching videos with clips from someone's life, even photographs bother me.

I used to be a part of a Livejournal community called ''A day in the life'' where people would take pictures of what they do on a day to day basis, where they went, what they ate etc.
Even though I know that people are going to pick days that are more interesting than their usual days, I always envy them. Their lives seem more interesting, more productive, more brighter, more fun.
When I get into this mood, I always vow that I will make my life more fun, more productive, I'll blog more, I'll study more, I'll waste less time in front of my computer looking at pictures of cats.

I never do, so I've stopped promising myself that, but I still get a little inspired or maybe my fever is messing with my head.

It takes a long time for me to do life-changing things. I usually just wait until one day I randomly start doing it.
I am the laziest person I know. I really am.
I try to get through life, but my concentration is never there, I wondered if I had some late-onset ADD, but I don't want to be a person who takes pills for everything that's wrong. I barely take pain-killers, I'm probably one of those mind-over-matter types.

I need to get more inspired. I need to stop this cycle of procrastination, angst, not wanting to do stuff because so-and-so won't like it.

Maybe my New Years resolution shouldn't be the usual ''Loose weight'' or ''Quit Smoking''

Maybe my New Year's resolution should be to get inspired, love the world, and to do stuff other than sit and do nothing. Maybe I should take a chance and go to weird shows with bands I've never heard of, or go to an art show or just walk around more. Just something - anything, so when the time comes for me to do a 'Day in the life' someone will look at me and think ''Wow, she has an interesting life''

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to do a similar thing, for me though, looking for inspiration doesn't work, I have to go get it, I go to the fabric store and look at the fabrics and think "ooh this would make a very nice.. something!" and start sketching, even if the first sketches suck ass and just... go, and inspiration hits half way haha:D

    But yeah, I so agree with the feeling that other people's lives are more interesting, even on facebook, old classmates posting pictures of their lives I get all... drained from seeing all the things they've accomplished and then there's me who can't even be bothered to wash her hair D:
    But I think we need to focus more on things we've actually done and less on the things we wish we'd done, otherwise it all seems pointless and nothing ever gets done. yay for using the word done too much

    :D i loff júúú!
