Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I find it hard to write in a messy place.
That‘s probably why I don‘t seem to get much writing done at home. I have too much stuff and hardly any space.
So in an effort to actually write something I went to a coffee house downtown and did the cliché thing, I drank coffee and wrote, I don‘t have a Mac so I guess I‘m safe on the cliché part, but I still felt weird.
It helped me though, I got around 10 pages down bringing my total to 55 pages.
I need to add more to the story, it’s unclear what exactly is happening. I‘ve put virtual post-it notes in pretty much every scene detailing how to make everything better, I don‘t want to go back and change everything now. So I‘m going to keep writing until I‘m done with this first draft.
If it‘s only 75 pages by then, so be it. I can add more later. I have to finish this, I need to finish this.
Important details are to come later, right now it’s important for me to finish.
I tried outlining before I started, and I used the Blake Snyder‘s beat sheet. I guess I didn‘t outline well enough, but that‘s a mistake I won‘t repeat, and I find it at times incredibly fun to wing-it. My characters are being unexpected, other plots are developing etc.
I don‘t care that much about winning Script Frenzy anymore. I tried to rush it, but things got in the way and I guess I just kind of realized that writing everyday is a good thing, but writing pure bullshit to get to 100 pages isn‘t quite the route I want to take.
I’m doing better now than I did with National Novel Writing month, but Novel writing just isn’t my thing anymore, I don’t enjoy it as much. I’m going to finish the novel I’m working on, just to see if my attitude towards it changes.
Last night I started brainstorming an idea that I’m probably going to work on during the summer (When Crossing lines is for the most part done) Rough outlines etc. I’m excited for it.

Well, that's it for today, dinner and Battlestar Galactica awaits.

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