Saturday, May 22, 2010

Short Stories

I've decided that while everything else I'm working on is kinda depressing for me since I'm nowhere near completion.
I'm going to do short stories, 1-2 a day. I found a theme list that was used a lot on a forum I frequent for artists. I'm going to adapt it to writing, it's a list of 100 themes, each theme is 1-2 words long.
I did the first one today and came to a horrible realisation.
Most of the short stories I've read recently have been creepy-pastas and it's painfully obvious.
This is something I need to improve.
So on Monday I'm going to the local library and finding some books!
I haven't been to the library for a while and I haven't been that good at reading books recently so it will be a challenge.
Wish me luck.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Long time, no see.

I haven't updated in a while, but this is going to be very short.
I guess life took over for a while there. Went through 'Z' the other day, I‘m itching to keep writing it, I also need to finish Crossing Lines. I guess that‘s 2 projects for the Summer.
Just thinking about Crossing Lines is wearing me out, I open it daily and just stare at it, my outline isn’t helping that much either, but I have to finish it. Even if it’s worse than Manos: The Hands of Fate, I still need it to be done.
Hopefully on Monday I can get back to my routine. One short story a day, that’s my ultimate goal.